If you are looking to know Zong balance check code then you are at right place. We will tell you how to check zong balance. Zong is Pakistan first cellular company which has successfully tested 5G in Pakistan. We all know that there are a lot of ussd codes to know the answers of various queries and it is not easy to remember every query’s ussd. If you are one of those who forget ussd code to check zong credit then we have written a short article to solve your issue.
Zong was first to get 4G certificate and providing quality services with latest technology. Due to its greater transformation toward latest technology its users are also increasing. Another reason behind this increase is low cost packages and services at far flung areas of Pakistan. Zong is offering best call packages for its users. Apart from this, Zong Internet packages are also most famous due to high volume and low cost.
How to Check Zong Balance?
There are 3 process to check zong balance instantly. You can use ussd codes or by calling 310 so shortly we are describing how to check zong balance.
- Dial *222# to know Zong Balance for Rs 0.20 + tax.
- Dial 310 to know your balance.
- Dial *310# to check zong remaining credit.
- Dial 100 to know your balance.
The first process to check zong remaining balance is to dial *222# from your number. This will cost Rs. 0.20 plus tax per query. The second process is to dial 310 and press 1 the operator will tell your balance instantly. Another process is to dial *310# it will also provide you your balance detail. The last process is dialing *100#.

Zong Balance Through My Zong App
If you own a smartphone then the cheapest and easiest method to check zong balance is through My Zong App. Download My Zong App on your iPhone or Smartphone and login to your account.
- Login through your phone number. If you have not registered your account then use your phone number to create your account.
- After signing in your remaining balance will be shown at top of the screen.
- There are no charges to check balance through MyZong App.
We have shared all the relevant details regarding how to KNOW zong balance. If you have any other query then ping us through comment section. Our team will help you out in possible time. Keep visiting us for more information.